March 13, 2022

Shri. Arun Singhal, CEO, FSSAI visited Amul Dairy, Anand and Amul Chocolate Plant, Mogar along with his wife and other government officials on Sunday, 13th March 2022 for an exposure visit. He was briefed about the various activities of Amul and new innovation being carried out village and plant level for the benefit of farmers.


It is indeed a pleasure to visit the place which inspired the white revolution in India. Amul has shown the way to increase farmer incomes and bring about breed improvements, fodder development and better veterinary care. Milk production in the country has benefitted immensely from the Amul model. FSSAI has consistently found through surveillance that milk and milk products in the organized sector are better in terms of safety and quality parameters. There is an urgent need to replicate and proliferate the Amul model in other states and UT's of India. I wish Amul all success in future endeavors.